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16 juny '07 -Entrenament per MOSS�N HOMS -Hora: 08:00

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Autor Missatge

Registrat: 26 Mai 2005
Missatges: 406

MissatgePublicat: Dt Jun 12, 2007 10:26 am    Assumpte: 16 juny '07 -Entrenament per MOSS�N HOMS -Hora: 08:00 Respondre citant


Aquest dissabte torna a venir la Cristina:

si vols recordar la darrera vegada:

clicla aqui ----- >

i aquella convocat�ria

Editat per darrera vegada per Mossener el Dj Jun 21, 2007 8:56 am, editat 2 cops en total
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MissatgePublicat: Dt Jun 12, 2007 10:47 am    Assumpte: Respondre citant

Si no passa res, all� estar�.
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Registrat: 26 Mai 2007
Missatges: 7

MissatgePublicat: Dt Jun 12, 2007 12:33 pm    Assumpte: Respondre citant

jo tambe estare..............si no pasa res esclar! estic de nits aixi que tal com plegui a les 6 m'anire cap a mossen homs.
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Registrat: 02 Des 2006
Missatges: 163

MissatgePublicat: Dv Jun 15, 2007 5:35 am    Assumpte: Respondre citant

grampy cada dia em sorprens m�s. Deixar de dormir per anar a MH.....quin vici ! Suposo que l'esmorzar te'l saltar�s, no ?
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Registrat: 14 Mar 2007
Missatges: 83

MissatgePublicat: Dg Jun 17, 2007 3:22 pm    Assumpte: Respondre citant

sobre el tema de NY que est�vem discutint ahir, en efecte, hi ha tres maneres d�anar-hi:
2- amb els viatges organitzats, ib�ria, etc...
3- acreditant marques.

dones fins a 39 anys: 3:23
homes fins a 39 anys: 2:55

dones fins a 50 : 3.38
homes fins a 50 : 3:10

dones + 50 anys : 3:52
home +50 anys: 3:30

en fi, assequible per a qualsevol...

ING New York City Marathon 2007
Application and Instructions

When will the application be available?
The application for the ING New York City Marathon 2007 is now closed. Runners interested in participating in this year's race can still enter through our charity program.

Who can apply?
Anyone who will be 18 or older on Sunday, November 4, 2007, may apply for entry. The starting field will consist of over 38,000 entrants from more than 100 countries and all 50 states. Only one application per person, please. Any fees processed due to individuals submitting duplicate applications are non-refundable.

Please note: Handcycle applications will only be accepted from persons who have been members of Achilles Track Club since January 31, 2007.

Lottery Applications
Lottery applications from individuals with a U.S. address will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on June 1, 2007. Non-U.S. lottery applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2007.

Because the number of applicants exceeds the number of spaces available, we will not be able to accept all applicants. The majority of U.S. entrants, including athletes with disabilities, will be selected in a random lottery drawing in mid-June 2007. Most international entrants come through our Official International Travel Partners [ITP] (formerly known as "tour operators"), so only a portion (including athletes with disabilities) will be selected through a lottery drawing in mid-May. In 2006, nearly 50 percent of all U.S. lottery applications were accepted, and approximately 25 percent of non-U.S. lottery applications were accepted.

Guaranteed Entry Options
Those who are eligible for guaranteed entry must still apply. Guaranteed entry applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m. on May 1, 2007.

The following groups are eligible for guaranteed entry to the ING New York City Marathon 2007:

� Members of New York Road Runners since January 31, 2006, who completed at least nine NYRR-scored, qualifying races during the calendar year 2006. [NYRR members can check their member history by clicking here.]

� Entrants in the ING New York City Marathon 2006 who canceled prior to the race.

� Those who have completed 15 or more New York City Marathons.

� Those who have applied but been denied entry for the last three years in a row (2004, 2005, and 2006). Send an email to [email protected] after you apply and we'll check our archives.

If you meet the above requirements, special instructions will be sent in late February. (If you don't receive the instructions by mid-March, apply with the regular lottery application. After you apply, send an email to [email protected] with a short note mentioning why you qualify for guaranteed entry.

� Runners who meet the following qualifying time standards* on any certified course:

Open (Age 18-39)** Masters (Age 40+)**
Marathon Half-Marathon Marathon Half-Marathon
Men 2:55:00 1:23:00 3:10:00 1:30:00
Women 3:23:00 1:37:00 3:38:00 1:44:00

Veterans (Age 50+)** Veterans (Age 60+)**
Marathon Half-Marathon Marathon Half-Marathon
Men 3:30:00 1:40:00 3:45:00 1:48:00
Women 3:52:00 1:50:00 4:13:00 2:00:30

* All times must be run at, or faster than, the posted time.
** Your age on the day of the qualifying race.

You must have met the appropriate qualifying time between January 1, 2006, and May 1, 2007. Include the race name and date with your application or email [email protected] with the race information after you apply.

Guaranteed Entry Through Charity Program
In 2007, our charity program returns to offer runners the opportunity to give back to the community while receiving guaranteed entry. [More]

Once selected, charity entrants may not cancel without prior approval from their charity.

Guaranteed Entry Through Official International
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Registrat: 01 Jun 2005
Missatges: 1180

MissatgePublicat: Dg Jun 17, 2007 5:17 pm    Assumpte: Respondre citant

Molt bon entreno ahir per moss�n homs, la Marta i jo vem gaudir molt despr�s d'uns dies de no anar-hi

Vaig poder fer unes fotos d'alguns mosseners :

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Pep Moliner

Registrat: 30 Mai 2005
Missatges: 4860

MissatgePublicat: Dl Jun 18, 2007 11:03 am    Assumpte: Respondre citant

caram quin reportatge !!

m'he deixat la c�mera a casa i a la tarda posar� la fotografia, i pensarem alguna mini cr�nica per il�lustrar-la.

Merci Josep,
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Registrat: 05 Mai 2007
Missatges: 301

MissatgePublicat: Dl Jun 18, 2007 6:47 pm    Assumpte: Respondre citant

Hola mosseners, jo tamb� feia alguns dissabtes que no venia, i vaig gaudir molt del entrenament. Salvia... bon reportatge!!! Aquest dissabte... revetlla de Sant Joan hi ha la cursa del foc a Olesa De Montserrat, a les 6 h de la tarda..., no s� si venir tamb� al mat�... fins aviat!!!
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Registrat: 01 Jun 2005
Missatges: 1180

MissatgePublicat: Dt Jun 19, 2007 8:38 am    Assumpte: Respondre citant

Gr�cies Pep i annacos, no es un gran reportatge, per� sempre est� b� fer unes quantes fotos que quedar�n per sempre.
Vaig arribar al parking dels primers i els mosseners estavem dispersadets, llavors vaig pensar ( un xic tard) que estaria b� anar agafant fotos, alguns se'm van escapar i altres tamb� per un altre itinerari tristot .

Un altre dia m�s !

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Pep Moliner

Registrat: 30 Mai 2005
Missatges: 4860

MissatgePublicat: Dt Jun 19, 2007 11:37 am    Assumpte: Respondre citant

Bon dia;
Vam fer un entrenament marcat per la pres�ncia de la Cristina, que ens portava a con�ixer nous models de sabatilles, per quan tinguem necessitat de comprar-ne, tenir m�s criteri de les sensacions que aquestes ens produeixen.
Vam fer el circu�t del golf i, amb els coneguts re-agrupaments mossenaires, arribem fins un canvi de ritme elevat lliure que va ser seguit per gaireb� tots els amics dels entrenaments per Moss�n Homs. Arribats a l'asfalt, fem un nou re-agrupament des de'l canvi de rasant fins a la rotonda de l'H�pica. Fa dies que bellugo la idea pel cap de fer fotografia de grup amb un cavall.
Baixem fins un rec i fins l'encreuament que ens dur� fins les dues opcions: o b� anar cap a la font que ens constava que no rajava o aquell cam� tan bonic que puja una miqueta. Arribats en aquest punt, anem en direcci� al camp base.
Uns quants fem un recorregut un xic m�s curt. Destaquem a nous mossenaires, com per exemple en Lluis que conec amb la meva iniciaci� en la marat� all� pel 93.
Llavors fem fotografia amb la Cristina i li emplenem uns paper on se'ns pregunta quines sensacions hem tingut amb les sabatilles. Jo vaig portar unes Air Zoom Elite, que vaig trobar adecuades i em van anar molt b�.

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